This is a game with almost laughable stealth mechanics, where enemies will ignore you in broad daylight provided you avoid their pitifully myopic cone of sight.

Suspension of disbelief also has a big part to play in Battlefield: Hardline’s single-player campaign. It might not be realistic, convincing or plausible, but we’ll buy into it provided we’re having a good time. We’ll happily believe that a Schwarzenegger or Stallone can take on an army single-handed, or that Bruce Willis can bungie-jump off an exploding rooftop with a firehose wrapped around his waist. Engage the audience emotionally or keep them in suspense, and they’ll take on all kinds of stuff and nonsense as long as the magic holds. Suspension of disbelief plays a crucial part in any action movie. Available on PC, Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 (Xbox One and PS4 reviewed)